Ep. 13 – FertiCalm: Help Yourself Navigate the Rough Waters
In this episode of Focus on Fertility we learn about a free app, FertiCalm, which will aid one through some of the most common difficult situations one may face while traveling down their fertility journey. The app was developed by Alice Domar, Phd, executive director of the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health and Director of Mind/Body Services at Boston IVF and by Elizabeth Grill, PsyD, director of psychological services at the Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility Weill Medical College of Cornel University. Together, Dr. Domar and Dr. Grill have over 45 year’s experience as reproductive psychologists and assist individuals on a daily basis traverse the difficult waters of emotions and mental health related to infertility.
What was an idea forged on a napkin has turned into a reality that is helping woman every day. FertiCalm provides woman with more than 500 coping skills and relaxation techniques for more than 50 difficult situations they may encounter each day while trying to conceive such related to:
Baby Functions
Fertility Treatment
Social Events
And more
Learn more and download the FertiCalm app at ferticalmapp.com
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