Ep. 15 – Understanding Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Is It the Right Treatment for You?
June 26, 2018
We’re rejoined with Dr. Mira Aubuchon, reproductive endocrinologist from MCRM Fertility, to discuss intrauterine insemination or IUI. Dr. Aubuchon shares more about what an IUI is, the processes related to this form of treatment, the good and not so good candidates and how successful IUI can be. Be sure to tune in and learn more.
If you would like to discuss your fertility options with Dr. Aubuchon, contact MCRM Fertility to request your initial consultation appointment or call 844-41-4BABY(2229)and be sure to tell them you learned about MCRM Fertility on Focus on Fertility.
Questions, comments or topics you would like to hear covered, please email them to questions@focusonfertility.net