Ep. 18 – Understanding the Fertility Experiences of Women: Be Part of a Short Study and Help Others
In this episode of Focus on Fertility we speak with two researchers from the University of Missouri Sinclair School of Nursing are completing research evaluating the fertility experiences of women by sharing information regarding a brief online survey that you may participate in. The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of women of childbearing age, including those who are having difficulty getting pregnant, and relationships.
You can help other women, by helping researchers understand the experiences of women of childbearing age. We are interested in women who want to have children but are having difficulty getting pregnant, as well as, women who have had children already. Survey questions are about fertility, stress, social support, and relationships. The survey questions ask questions about your fertility, your stressors, your health, and your relationship. All of your answers are anonymous. You can skip any questions you don’t wish to answer.
The research team really appreciates your support.
Take the survey at: https://missouri.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6WIeXS35YwF3Us5
Questions? Please contact Dr. Rusen Ozturk @ ozturkr@missouri.edu and/or Dr. Tina Bloom @ bloomt@missouri.edu
Questions, comments or topics you would like to hear covered, please email them to questions@focusonfertility.net